Friday, August 14, 2009

Wow it has been an age hasn't it?

A lot of changes have come and gone through my life, so I took a bit of a break from shopping for clothing... not so much for other kinda of shopping though;)

I am a huge fan of DVD's series sets. They're great for when you're sick, keeping you occupied and they're fun to have because then you can watch them in order.

I usually use Target/ to keep an eye on all the series' I want to buy. Many times I've gotten DVD's for under 10 dollars, or even 75 % off of the original price, simply by checking it every couple weeks, and making an effort to pass buy the DVD sets in Target whenever I'm there.

I've saved hundreds of dollars completing my DVD collection, simply by waiting, checking the price and buying together and saving on shipping.

So when you feel like taking a day off and watching a bit of tv, make sure to check amazon and see if you can't get a great deal on a DVD set, of the very same show you're watching on tv.

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