Wednesday, August 19, 2009


That's right, they're not just for your grandma any more.

As a student I'm usually on a budget. But only recently have I started the Sunday morning habit of clipping coupons.

At my current weekend job we occasionally get a Sunday paper (which I don't have to pay for). I say occasionally because four times out of ten a hobo steals it before I get there.

But on the days I do get it I spend a few minutes clipping coupons and sipping hot tea. Because of this I save cash. 55 cents here, a free item worth 2.99 there. The coupons add up.

Now I intentionally do not clip coupons of things I don't regularly buy or won't use. Just because you can get a few cents to dollars off of something, it's useless to you if you won't use the item you bought.

So I only cut coupons of the brands I use and like.

Which is why I adore weeks like this when I cut out page after page of savings for the stuff I usually buy.

Yay coupons.

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